
Goju Kai translated means hard and soft.

Goju Kai Karate-Do is the art of the external (hard) and the internal (soft) development of the individual. It has a structured syllabus which has been designed to develop the body, mind, and spirit of the student with the ultimate purpose of enriching and enhancing life.

As a discipline, Goju Kai Karate-Do is based on the traditional values of the martial arts. Goju Kai Karate-Do is a living and developing Art. It's origins are ancient and yet it is one of the few traditional styles to continue to advance as new methods and technologies evolve. It is more than just techniques, more than developing physical strength; it is the development of that which is within.

The philosophy of Goju Kai is to develop the individual as a total human being and this is reflected in the five virtues:

1. We are proud to study the way of Goju

Our pride, dedication and individuality are foremost in our practice

2. We are courteous in manners

Courtesy to one's fellow man is an important facet of our lives.

3. We are humble but strong

The challenge of achieving physical goals develops inner strength and mental will.

4. We cultivate the spirit of co-operation

By overcoming the challenges of rigorous physical training, we strive to increase our understanding.

5. We respect the fighting spirit of the traditional martial arts

We show respect and loyalty to our teachers.

In today's rapidly changing times and the gradual disintegration of culture, there is a need for a martial art form with a strong philosophical base - that emphasizes continual self-cultivation and refinement.

The art should have at its core the development of the individual be designed to promote a genuine concern and responsibility to other human beings, and to discourage aggression and a `win only' attitude. Goju Kai Karate-Do has been developed to meet these needs.

Martial arts should focus on the development of the individual in which the ultimate goal is to continuously strive to develop the positive qualities within each of us.

This is the fundamental concept on which the Goju Kai Victorian Country Division Branch Dojo is based on.